Thursday, December 13, 2012


When I was in labor Max stopped by for a visit after I got my epidural.  He was very excited about meeting his little brother.  We tried to prepare him that Baby Hudson wasn't going to be strong enough to come home right away.  He understood as well as a 4 year old could.  

When Hudson was three days old, and stable, Max was able to come back in the nursery to meet him for the first time. We prepared him for the wires and monitors, told him that he needed to talk softly, and that he had to be so soft with Baby Hudson.  

He did great and it was a moment that I'll cherish forever.

Here he is introducing himself to Hudson in his baby talk voice.  He made sure he told everyone that he saw that Hudson was his little brother and that he was the cutest baby ever.

If this isn't the face of a proud big brother, I don't know what is.

And finally, all three of my boys together!

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